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10 Stunning Costa Rica Birds from Rainforest

Rainforest! This commonly heard term for lush tropical forest brings up images of hot and humid jungles teeming with life. There are strange and enticing bird calls, monkeys, and colorful frogs, and Costa Rica is one of the best places to experience this incredible habitat. Although many of the animals are harder to find than what one might expect, all of the above is true. Costa Rica is definitely a fantastic place to experience the exciting beauty of rainforest. This special type of forest is also one of the most important habitats for birds in Costa Rica.

Hundreds of bird species in Costa Rica make their home in and near lowland rainforest, these are 10 of many stunning species waiting to be found by your lens:

Crowned Woodnymph

One of a few dozens of fancy hummingbird species that live in Costa Rica, this beauty is a common inhabitant of lowland rainforest.

Broad-billed Motmot

The tendency of this fancy bird to sit still on low branches makes it an excellent subject for the camera.

Keel-billed Toucan

One of two large toucans in Costa Rica (the other one being the equally beautiful Yellow-throated Toucan), this rainbow-billed bird is commonly seen in and near lowland rainforest, including hotel gardens.

Fiery-billed Aracari

This small, slender toucan often visits fruit feeders and moves through forest and adjacent gardens in small flocks.

Brown-hooded Parrot

One of several beautiful parrots in Costa Rica, in a few places, this lovely bird visits fruit feeders. Its calls are often heard in and near ranforest.

Scarlet Macaw

Thanks to years of protective measures, this spectacular bird is readily seen in many parts of Costa Rica. They mostly occur in and near rainforest but some also live in tropical dry forest.

Crimson-collared Tanager

This striking tanager frequents the edge of rainforest and hotel gardens on the Caribbean slope. A treat for the camera, it can also visit feeders.

Golden-hooded Tanager

Another stunning tanager, we are happy to say that this bird of seven colors is common in and near rainforest. They are commonly seen in some hotel gardens and are of course perfect subjects for the camera.

Green Honeycreeper

This eye-catching species is another perfect subject. Fortunately, it's also common in many parts of Costa Rica and will visit feeders for wonderful, close shots!

Montezuma Oropendola

The tenth bird on this short list is the largest blackbird species in Costa Rica. Yes, hard to believe but this fancy species is related to grackles and Red-winged Blackbirds. Enjoy its amazing calls and antics when visiting the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica.

With more than 900 species to choose from, we could mention a lot more than just 10 stunning birds. Are there birds you would like to see and photograph in Costa Rica? Maybe some of the above? To find out more, send us a message or give us a call at +50688969141! Until then, happy birding from the rainforests of Costa Rica!


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