Our main objective is to exceed your expectations and for this reasons Lifer Nature Tours adopted a series of policies to keep you health as our number 1 priority
- All guides and drivers will always wear a face mask made with anti-fluid materials. Specially when sharing common areas.
- The spotting scope, field guides and any other element that might be shared during the tour will be disinfected with alcohol periodically and specially before any person touches it.
- If any symptoms of COVID-19 are detected in any tour participant or working sfaff it will be imeditaley transfered to the closest medical center for further examination.
- Isopropyl alcohol for disinfection will be available for all passengers for their daily use any moment during the tour.
- One sterilized facemask made with anti-fluid material will be given to every tour participant to be mandatory use during long transfers in the bus (specially for group tours).
- All luggage will be sterilized with sanitizer every time it is manipulated by staff of the hotel or by guide/driver.
- The bus will be fully cleaned and sterilized with sanitizer every time passenger are not in the bus and as many times as possible during transfers.
- After arrival at any new location the guide will indicate the place to wash your hands and will provide soap in case there is not available at the site.
- The guide will make sure all meals will be taken at restaurants in where Costa Rican Ministry of Health has given the appropiate permision to operate strickly following all hygiene measurements and COVID-19-free practices.
- The guide will ensure and remind every participants the safety distance from other people outside of their social bubble. Not any crowded place will be visted in any moment of the tour.